
Collectie Saet & Cruyt Enkhuizen
 →  [Object nr. 06031]




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Object nr. : 06031
Titel : Diverse aardappel pins
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Datum :
Beschrijving : Spelden van verschillende aardappel bedrijven/organisaties
Idaho (8), N.B.(Nebraska), Idaho Vandals, Idaho famous potato, This Spud's for You Idaho, Twinfalls Idaho, SSPGA, NB Canada, Canada Agriculture, Idaho Potato Expo, Idaho, Idaho Wheat, Idaho Boise, Charlotte Je t'aime, Canagrico, World Potato Congress 2006, Seed, Prince Edward Island, Alberta Seed Potatoes(2), Island, N.Y.S. Lovers, Vauxhall potato Capital in the West, PGA Potato Growers of Alberta, Alberta, Boise, Colorado potato quality as high as our mountains(2), National Potato Council, Frito Lay Agricultural Research Rhinelander, WI, Michigan, Israel?, IVF CAAS, Oregon potatoes(3), pud, 15 anos, Washington State Potato Country U.S.A., Washington wheat, Montana certified seed potatoes, Maine, Iowa a place to grow, Woodstock New B runswick Hopspitalty, The patato museum, McCan Potatoes, 25 Years, Pei Spud, Strzekecin S.H.R., Instytut Zimniaka Bonin, Bruneau Dunes, Peru, 1887-1987 H.N.Vavilov, FFA agriculture
Categorie : Reclame
Merk :
Materiaal : Metaal
Submateriaal :
Afmetingen :
Zuiderzeecollectie : nee

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Record aangepast: 05 augustus 2024