1685: The storage of seeds for maintenance of Viability
1688: Viability of seeds
1689: Seed Storage Compounds
1693: Testing Agricultural and Vegetable Seeds
1699: Zaaizaad en Pootgoed
1700: Zaaizaad en Pootgoed
1732: Seed Science and Technology
1805: An Introduction to Seed Technology
2005: Prijslijst voor land- en tuinbouwzaden
2342: Sementes Ornamentais do Brasil
2817: Seed development and germination
2825: Seed aging
2827: Principles and practices of seed storage
2829: The physiology and biochemistry of seed, dormancy and germination
2832: Seeds
2833: Seed Anatomy
2941: Tweedaagse training CRS-afdeling van Novartis
2942: Bemonstering van zaden
3082: Zaadbelangen 1984 t/m 1986
3258: Handbook of Variety Testing
3259: Seed Vigour Testing Seminar
3260: ISTA Handbook on Seed Sampling
3418: Speak up for seeds!
3459: Seed Treatment
3544: Program of the International Seed Trade Federation (ISF)
3621: Algemeene handelsvoorwaarden (A.H.V.Z.)
3632: Samen = beizung
3633: Vorratshaltung im Gemüsebau
3678: Seedimprovement
3931: 100 Years ISF