1661: Zaaizaad- en Plantgoedwet
1662: Zaaizaad- en Plantgoedwet
1663: Van Nature, Aspecten van Landdbouwkundig onderzoek
1665: Zaaizaad en Pootgoed in de Nederlandse Landbouw
1666: Flowering & Botanical Seed Production In Potato
1667: Seed Preservation and Longevity
1668: Landbouwwerktuigkunde
1671: Physiology of seeds
1673: Conséquence de la manipulation des plants
1674: Biochemical aspects of seedcoat colour inheritance in Phaseolus vulgaris L.
1675: Seed industry development
1676: Vegetable Seed Production
1677: Seed Ecology
1678: Veredeling van de aardappel op resistentie tegen Heterodera rostochiensis Wollenweber
1679: Het drogen en bewaren van inlandse granen, zaden en peulvruchten
1680: Fruit and seed production
1681: Seeds of the earth
1682: Preservation and storage of graines, seeds and their byproducts
1683: Samen und Früchte des Handels und Industrie
1684: Physiology of deep dormancy in seeds
1685: The storage of seeds for maintenance of Viability
1686: Micropropagation technology in early phases of commercial seed potato production
1687: Plagen en ziekten van koolgewassen in beeld
1688: Viability of seeds
1689: Seed Storage Compounds
1690: Influence of external factors on growth and development of sugar-beet (Beta vulgaris L.)
1691: The utilization of true potato seeds (TPS) as an alternative method of potato production
1692: Wintering of plants
1693: Testing Agricultural and Vegetable Seeds
1701: Geneeskruiden en Geneeskruidenteelt